I was listening to National Public Radio (NPR) the other afternoon driving home from GMU and I heard this interesting discussion about map links online for restaurants. The report began with the tale of a graphic designer in CA that loves taco-truck food. It goes that the guy had a little spiral notebook that he carried around with him with the time and location of the trucks in his area. Friends began calling for information and the graphic designed asked his wife (a cartographer) for help putting the information from his spiral notebook on-line. Lostacotrucks.com was born. Take a look, it's a great idea. khj
Hip-Hip-Hooray! My scripting WORKS! After having disastrous results in lab 3, the scripting worked like a breeze. I like my map. There are a few things that I recognize it lacks: I wish my tanks could leave a trail, and the tanks of the Eleventh unit takes a drive through the black sea... But, all-in-all, I am counting this as a success. Do you like the tanks? I found them on google images. I have no idea if they are period accurate, but they are tanks and I thought they looked better than a red rectangle. I did run into a small hiccup when I added the unit number and grouped them. The background of the tank and unit identifier sometimes covers another tank. I am certain this would not be acceptable for PIXAR, but for MapsbyKathleen, it works. 3/13/08 Kathleen
Lab 3 Review
There is something wrong with my scripts. I find an error when I try to publish and haven't been able to resolve the issue. Thus, I cannot save as Html. I am hopeful that the snag is easily fixed. I like the map that I designed.
This is my fourth semester at GMU in the M.S. Geographic and Cartographic program. I am enjoying remote sensing, GIS and map design. Thank you for reading my blog.